Psst! Wanna clock for your blog?
For those of you who'd like to have a clock showing in their blog side bars, ie one of the three flavours as shown on the right of this blog post, here are the instructions for adding one. My clocks show French time, which is GMT+2/BST+1 (or CET - Central European Time - in American, all rather confusing), but each clock is configurable for your own time zone.
It's probably good idea, before you do anything else, to open your own blog in a separate window, so you don't have to navigate away from this one. The links given below will all open in separate windows by themselves.
Option 1 The above clock is from and you can choose colours, time zones and sizes, with changes previewed on the screen in front of you. Annoying pop up when you hover over it is just a fact of life. The above choice of colour (the outside ring) was the Custom Hex code #cccccc - just type cccccc in the box provided; the change won't be shown for that colour until you click the Update HTML button.
To put the clock in your side column, you'll need Option 1: Object HTML code, just down the page. 1.Copy that code then, 2. once in your blog, go to Customize>Layout>Page Elements and click on the link to "Add a Gadget" to your Layout, look for the HTML/Javascript option (second choice down) and click the big blue + sign.. In the Configure screen that opens, you can give it a title (but you don't have to) and then paste the code you just copied into the Content box. 3. Save, and it's there.
Option 2 These second two are from, and they load on the page a little faster. Choice of colours is limited, though. Both are in the Analog section of the Gallery, the one on the left is number 0003, the wonky one on the right is number 0031; click the View HTML button underneath it, click the Accept button in the window that opens, make your choices and then copy the code in the top box and proceed as from 2. above.
Option 3 The last one, above, has no annoying pop ups, just a link symbol when you hover over where it comes from, which is - ignore the information in red saying they are undergoing technical changes and that the clocks are not available, they ARE. It is the one I had to fiddle about with most in order to get it to show here in the post screen, though it's easy to get in your side column; just go to the site, choose the variety you want, the one above is the Analog Flash Clock, (you need to choose the capital city of the country you're in - I can tell you how to get rid of that or put in your own city/town, if you're interested) and click the Get HTML code! button, click in the code box that opens, which will highlight and copy the code, then follow the steps from 2. in the first example above.