Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Putting Avatars/profile pictures on Blogger

It takes much less time to do than to type, so don't be put off.

To get the photo online that you want to use as your avatar/profile image in your Photo URL on Blogger you first need to upload the photo/s you want to a website -the one I use is http://photobucket.com. On the opening page, click on the red join now button and it takes you step by step through the (free) signing up procedure and tells you what to do. Only two stages, then click the I accept. Sign me up! button and you're done and ready to upload. There are helpful popout tips that tell you what you should do the first time.

For the photo you want to upload, click on Browse, then (if you've got a PC, I can't speak for Macs, but it may be similar) navigate to the photo you want, click it to make it go into the File name box of the File Upload dialogue window that opened when you clicked Browse, then click on Open to put it onto the Photobucket upload screen. A green tick will appear and you can click in the white space beside it to give that picture a name. Now click Upload and the photo will be uploaded. When the screen refreshes, your photo will be down the bottom in your album, so scroll down to see it. See image below.

image from photobucket.com
(Click on image to get larger size, then Back to return to article)

Click on your photo to give you options for what you can do with it. One of those is Resize,

image from photobucket.com
(Click on image to get larger size, then Back to return to article)

click on that and then click on Avatar

image from photobucket.com
(Click on image to get larger size, then Back to return to article)

- you will be asked if you're sure you want to do this (it can't be undone, but the original photo is still on your computer, so it won't be changed), click OK and it will be resized to the right dimensions.

Once the screen refreshes it will say Image resized, and down on the bottom right are three text fields: URL Link, HTML Tag and IMG Code.

image from photobucket.com
(Click on image to get larger size, then Back to return to article)

The one you want is the first, URL Link, single left click in that text field and the code will be copied to your clipboard. Open up Edit Profile in your Blogger account and in the Photo URL box rightclick and Paste, the code will go in there (or CTRL-V for PCs, apple/function-V for Macs). Save the profile changes and you're done. Next time your profile is opened, it will have found the picture at Photobucket and put it on there.


Suffolkmum said...

How many times can I say thank you? Brilliant support.

Chris Stovell said...

Thanks for the help... I suppose this means I've got to give a go at some point now that I 'know' how!

Inthemud said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I've done it now, I just couldn't get it with the Picaso thing but this is excellent THank you !

Kitty said...

how clever are you - just logged on to say 'I'm on a mac, can't get Picassa, can't do an avatar' and lo and behold you've outwitted me. Thank you kind sir.